
New York, I Love You But You've Changed is a podcast where long time New Yorkers from across the five boroughs give us their version of the city they love, discuss how it has evolved and share their thoughts on what we can do to make the greatest hometown in the world great for all of us.

Our interviews seek to create an anthology of voices that represents the range of life that exists in New York City, especially those voices who are often left out of the narrative. We hope to give a platform to New Yorkers whose realities the general public would rather forget- and represent demographics that are glaringly missing from the podcast space.

I produced the first season in 2018. It was my first project in the audio space.

The first episode of season 2 aired on March 22, 2021. Season 2 is a love letter to New York City after a year of sickness, sadness, and tragedy that was also filled with love, solidarity and triumph. Many of this season’s episodes will be dedicated to the activists and organizers who have been holding us down over the past year. I hope you learn as much from them as I continue to!

Listen on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. And visit our site for more info.